Monday, December 14, 2015

Eva thought that the stormed passed.

She forgot and almost forgiven about Beja and her significant other(when confronted with what harassing letters his lover was sending to Eva, he was like : " So what? Isn't true? "

july 16, 2014 came and here we go again. Another letter from Beja.
Eva didn't had the patience to translated this time. So here it is "raw" :


"  ...potzi sa il tzii cu lesa de git mult timp, dar nu pentru toata viatza, asta e clar, te amagesti amarnic daca potzi se te convingi vreo clipa ca in cel mult 10 ani va mai fi linga loc sa-ti investesti energia intr-o cauza pierduta, mai devreme sau mai tirziu, putea sa accepti cu demnitate situatzia si sa-ti creezi o viatza frumoasa pentru tine...potzi sa-l cari in societate ca sa te afisezi de o toarta...dar nu-l vei putea viola vreodata, de asta sunt convinsa, e singurul lucru care i-a mai ramas lui si doar lui...apropo, cind te-a mai atins ultima oara un barbat?...cind te-a mai dorit ultima oara un barbat?...cind te-a sarutat ultima oara un barbat? cinde ti-a spus ca te iubeste un barbat ultima oara? cind s-a mai trezit ultima oara un barbat cu tine in gind si cu dorintza de a face ceva frumos impreuna cu tine si pentru tine? cind ti-a zimbit un barbat ultima oara? cind ti-a admirat corpul sau tzinuta un barbat ultima oara? Cum e sa ai pe cineva atit de aproape si totusi atit, atit, atit de departe de mintea la toate lucrurile astea, dorind in fiecare zi cu pasiune si tinjind dupa toate lucrurile astea dar nu de la cu pentru tine...n-ai sa potzi sa ii iei asta toate manipularile si prefacatoriile din lume...cind te uitzi in oglinda nu ti-e sila de profilul tau moral si de cita suferintza provoci in jur? inca ceva, sper ca bunul Dumnenzeu sa iti fereasca copilul, BAIATUL, BARBATUL DE MAI TIRZIU de o soarta similara cu cea a tatalui lui, ca doar deh' ce motive ar avea tatal lui sa fie nefericit acum...sper din suflet sa intilneasca o fata care sa nu isi faca din manipulare si victimizare o regula de viatza...dar de va da peste una ca tine.....atunci as vrea sa te vad....."


Eva saved the blog-letter and she went back to what her tasks were on her "to do " list , surprising herself of how serene could be after reading those words from .. such a "friend"

december 14, 2015

reminders or letter fro a "friend "

Hi, I'm Eva. I'm going to tell you how i start talking with my fRIEND. My friend's name is Beja. 

SHE SEND (in a previous e-mail; just out of blue- in fact was her 1st e-mail ever send to me ) PAGES SCANED FROM A ROMANIAN BOOK ABOUT : 

  • dependable women
  • “Cinderella" syndrome(how it was called): about wives with passive role in the family
  • about clingy women in need of a husband to provide for them and their kids
  • about how childhood and teen years determined women behaviour 
  • etc
A bit confused, yet surprised, that a stranger took the time to send her pages from a book that seemed to be ok, Eva send THIS REPLY:

Dear Beja,
Thanks for your e-mail.
I try to remember where do we know each other ...?
Sorry ... my"lapse": 0)

april 16, 2012

Beja replayed like this :

I do not intend to wear a toxic mail exchange with you. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to use your free time ... too much free time 
and to give you a chance to use it in a constructive way ... I do not have time for irony … 

 ... that's right, you do not know me at all, but I know something about yourself .... and about people like you. 

I do not want a war with you because, long ago, I learn not to go into unequal fights. It would not be fair either to me or to you ... but I know what loneliness Certainly means and i'm not scare. I know what means to gave up dignity, to manipulate, to be a beggar and a dependable woman. Its (all) are the attributes of a whore...for lack of better words … 

do not kid yourself that the status of mother ennobles you so much that would delete(errase) all the pain and misery you cause to those around you, in the name of love without meaning ... but if it calms you down.. .I'm happy for you!


Eva read couple of times the letter and her reaction to this was :    NONE 

Thou, she was so angry with the nick names Beja gave her and with her involvement in Eva's personal life (with how she knew personal stuff and put it in "Beja-ness" interpretation... .) 
All this reminded her :       " This is what fRIENDS are for".

Eva knew that the best revenge was not to reply at all: no comments, no reaction, no emotion, like she really did not care about her "NEW friend" 's opinion, would be the best punishment

ps: I guess(I know)was the best. 

This is a fiction essay. 
All the similarities with real persons are pure coincidences.